Best jackie chan kung fu movies

Read about these ten classic kung fu films, spanning cinematic award-winners of both from China, and international movies influenced by martial arts films. kung fu films must include one by the genre's greatest living export, Jackie Chan,  

13/04/38 · In 1980, Sammo’s “Encounters of the Spooky Kind” kick-started an entire genre of “Jianshi”, supernatural, kung fu horror comedies. In 1981, Sammo Hung directed one of his best friends, his “little brother” Yuen Biao, in what many consider the finest … 27 Jul 2010 Jackie Chan on making The Karate Kid, and the real message behind I want to make kung fu movies. "You have to find a good teacher.

29/04/34 · I'm afraid I will not be able to name just one. I liked Fearless (2006) for its ruminations on the importance of maturity in the martial arts, as Jet Li's heavily fictionalized portrayal of Huo Yuen-jia discernment and reflection are as important

Hong Kong actor Jackie Chan's career spans nearly sixty years and features him working as an Jackie Chan's first film in 2017 was Kung Fu Yoga, released on January 27, 2017. Kin chan no Cinema Jack, 陳健沒有傑克電影院, N/A, Anthology film, a joint 1990, The Best of the Martial Arts Films, 金裝武術電影 大全. 11 Sep 2019 Jackie Chan began studying martial arts, drama, acrobatics and singing at age seven. To that end, he starred in a string of kung fu movies with Lo Wei, Taurus Award for best action movie star at the World Stunt Awards. Arguably one of the greatest martial arts movie actors in the world has graced the silver screen with death-defying stunts and jaw-dropping action since the  Top 10 Most Popular Jackie Chan Movies. Hong Kong is famous for martial arts films across the world. Bruce Lee is a great introducer, but unfortunately he has  27 Jul 2010 Jackie Chan on making The Karate Kid, and the real message behind I want to make kung fu movies. "You have to find a good teacher. 8 Jan 2019 A new memoir by the legendary kung fu star reveals what it took to become one then Chan reinvented him once more, offering across dozens of movies a (It is now best known as a tourist site where one can take in Hong 

8. Shanghai Noon. Westerns and kung fu movies have enjoyed a close relationship for years, and that rich shared tradition is given a tongue-in-cheek salute with Shanghai Noon, an action-comedy that transcends its goofier elements (Lucy Liu plays the female lead, a character named Princess Pei-Pei) and delivers a well-rounded blend of humor, adventure, and — of course — jaw-dropping stunts.

From Rush Hour and Rumble in the Bronx to Police Story, discover the best movies starring Jackie Chan! From Rush Hour and Rumble in the Bronx to Police Story, discover the best movies starring Jackie Chan! Kung Fu Panda 3 boasts the requisite visual splendor, but like its rotund protagonist, 17/12/39 · The 25 Best Kung Fu Movies of All Time And Jackie Chan is the comedian—a man who gets laughs first for his gleeful goofiness, then out of disbelief for the batshit stunts he completes Top 5 Jackie Chan Movies to Watch With Your Kids. and is considered by some to be the best Kung-Fu movie ever made. 3. this is Jackie Chan at his young best. The plot is completely 17/02/38 · S / Solutions The 5 most famous Jackie Chan kung fu and comedy movies to watch. The famous actor-cum-action star has just received an honourary Oscar. We picked out five of his most popular films, from more than 200 under his belt, that showcase his … Well, maybe ‘famous‘ isn’t the right word but before he was an ‘A-Lister’ in Hong Kong Jackie Chan was the number one stunts guy in Kung Fu films. Jackie has an extensive number of films under his belt, so why not explore the earlier works? Jackie played a fair few small roles and did a lot of stunts in movies before taking the lead in some of the films listed further down. He had a 13/04/38 · In 1980, Sammo’s “Encounters of the Spooky Kind” kick-started an entire genre of “Jianshi”, supernatural, kung fu horror comedies. In 1981, Sammo Hung directed one of his best friends, his “little brother” Yuen Biao, in what many consider the finest …

8 Aug 2018 But let's not kid ourselves – this is arguably the most famous neck break in cinema history, and it's just one of many stories Jackie Chan can 

Arguably one of the greatest martial arts movie actors in the world has graced the silver screen with death-defying stunts and jaw-dropping action since the  Top 10 Most Popular Jackie Chan Movies. Hong Kong is famous for martial arts films across the world. Bruce Lee is a great introducer, but unfortunately he has  27 Jul 2010 Jackie Chan on making The Karate Kid, and the real message behind I want to make kung fu movies. "You have to find a good teacher. 8 Jan 2019 A new memoir by the legendary kung fu star reveals what it took to become one then Chan reinvented him once more, offering across dozens of movies a (It is now best known as a tourist site where one can take in Hong  31 May 2017 The film is a brilliant juxtaposition of martial arts and westerns and amplifies the comedic and action talents of Jackie Chan with the boyish charm  8 Aug 2018 But let's not kid ourselves – this is arguably the most famous neck break in cinema history, and it's just one of many stories Jackie Chan can  2 Rush Hour. It was best buddy cop action-comedy martial arts film in the history of hollywood. This is very good movie. I like this movie. It's the best ever!

This would have to be Jackie Chan’s most celebrated film. Legend of Drunken Master was Jackie’s final “kung fu” period style film of old, created in the early nineties with a stupidly high level of martial arts action polishing it off. 11/08/37 · (Top 10) Jackie Chan Kung Fu Movies My Top 10 Jackie Chan "Kung Fu" Movies. I will make a second video of his modern day action movies also. 8. Shanghai Noon. Westerns and kung fu movies have enjoyed a close relationship for years, and that rich shared tradition is given a tongue-in-cheek salute with Shanghai Noon, an action-comedy that transcends its goofier elements (Lucy Liu plays the female lead, a character named Princess Pei-Pei) and delivers a well-rounded blend of humor, adventure, and — of course — jaw-dropping stunts. It was best buddy cop action-comedy martial arts film in the history of hollywood. This is very good movie. Carter acts like and idiot but he's so funny and chan is the king of of spy movies and Kung fu. Best fight scene in all of cinema history. Some of the best stunts in film history were executed in this movie. Editor’s Note: One of the greatest kung fu movies of all time as well one of the greatest ’80s action films, Police Story features the legendary Jackie Chan at the height of his powers.

13 Mar 2018 Jackie Chan began studying martial arts, drama, acrobatics and in 1973, Jackie Chan became the next likely king of Hong Kong cinema. 24 Apr 2014 Jackie was not the best martial arts or drama pupil. According to his sifu He has like six favorite Jackie Chan movies. Follow him on Twitter  29 May 2008 His amusing but impressive martial arts movies continue to be a guilty pleasure for kung-fu fanatics, and he's the best thing about his various  24 Apr 2008 He's the butt-kicking, karate-chopping, kung fu superstar who rose Action star Jackie Chan won Best Actor at the 25th China Golden Rooster in 2005. "He totally reinvented Hong Kong cinema," said Renee Witterstaetter,  Legend of the Drunken Master has some of the best stunts and fight scenes in all of cinema. This is not only one of Jackie Chan's best movies, it is one of the best kung-fu movies ever made. The action in this movie is so good you will find yourself saying "no way" more than once throughout the film.

14/05/39 · Influenced by the movies of Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan, Glen began training in martial arts and gymnastics in 1995. He made his first of many visits to Malaysia and Singapore in 1998 to learn Chin Woo kung fu under the supervision of Master Teng Wie Yoo.

It’s more of a subtle insight into the art of Kung Fu, with the movie featuring a very young Jackie as a boy who taps into his true skills to learn the technique of fighting. The film is great for repeated viewings, as you just want to sit back and analyze Jackie’s martial arts wizardry. 2 The Tuxedo (2002) 06/04/41 · While we call Bruce Lee the king of Kung Fu, he is given a run for his money by the legendary Jackie Chan. While Lee was intense, Chan matches his skill but with layers of infectious comedy. Also, while we will never know what height Bruce Lee might have reached, Jackie Chan has a career spanning four decades (so far). Jackie Chan, Sammo Hung, and Yuen Biao (among others) attended these types of schools. If you're looking for the earliest roots of Kung Fu movies, try looking into Chinese Opera. It probably contains some of the earliest elements of what we would call Kung Fu / Mystical Kung fu Video 27: 27. องค์บาก [Ong-Bak: The Thai Warrior] (2003) some of the best wireless kung fu that i have seen since jackie chan was young and kicking ass, these movies, there are 3 of them, are all awesome. at least the first 2 are, those are the only ones that i have seen, but i will see the third soon im sure. absolutely amazing martial arts, tony jaa totally rocks the house. Jackie Chan Kungfu vs Giant Athlete Best Comedy Kungfu. Related Videos. Steve TV Show. Jackie Chan Hilariously Critiques Amateur Stunt People. 4:18 · 36,739,419 Views. Kung Fu Movies Videos Jackie Chan Kungfu vs Giant Athlete Best Comedy Kungfu. English (US) · Español · Português (Brasil) Jackie Chan, The Expendables, Kung Fu Panda, Martial Artist, Bruce Lee, Film Director, Jacky, Classic Hollywood, Babe Drunken MasterII Is One of My Favorite Jackie Chan Film Jackie Chan Martial Arts Movies Martial Artists Tony Jaa Jennifer Aniston Style Jet Li British American Bruce Lee Sport 27/07/39 · Martial arts movies are everywhere, with incredible action scenes of fighting, zipping around on wires and cheesy taunts a many. China has dominated the Kung Fu movie genre since its inception, however there are a few western classics that have made their way into our list of the 10 best Kung Fu movies (that you can watch now!) of all time.